Thursday 27 February 2014

Black galaxy

black milk clothing leggings

black milk leggings

You've already seen the black galaxy leggings in a previous post but I haven't introduced them yet! These are of course black milk leggings. The galaxy print is very popular and for a while seemed like their signature print. It came in many colors as dresses, swimsuits, skirts as well as leggings (not all available anymore). To check out what they have in stock just press here. The jacket is super fluffy, I kind of felt like a gray cookie monster but in a cozy way :)

easy dinner option
 I also wanted to show you what I brought with me for work the other day. It doesn't have to be complicated or take a long time to put together snacks or a meal when you're on the run. I put together broccoli, cucumber, carrots, hummus, cottage cheese with applesauce and fresh dates. 

New in! This cute and summery color is from the O.P.I. Brazil collection, called 

Anyway, hope you all are having a good week. Time is flying, it's almost march and everything is super busy at school :)

- Amanda <3 

Monday 24 February 2014

Carrot cake cupcakes

These were absolutely delicious! I was going to meet a few girlfriends for a cozy evening and brought these crunchy yet moist and tangy carrot cake cupcakes. The walnuts and coconut adds crunch without being overbearing, and the tangy greek yogurt cream works perfectly with the cupcake. I highly recommend trying this out :)

- 3 eggs
- 2 bananas
- 15 soft dates, pitted 
- 4 tablespoons oil (I used olive oil)
- 1 cup (1 dl) whole wheat flour
- 1,5 tsp baking powder (notaði vínsteinslyftiduft) 
- 3 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 4 medium carrots (or 5 small)
-1/2 cup coconut flakes
- 1/2 cup walnuts

- 1 cup (1 dl) greek yogurt
- 2 tablespoons agave syrup
- Grated zest and juice from half a lemon
- 2 tablespoons coconut milk


Um dagin ætluðum við nokkrar vinkonur að hafa það kosy saman og því tilvalið að taka með sér einhvern góðan bakstur. Fyrir valinu voru þessar gulrótakökur sem brögðuðust ótrúlega vel. Ég mæli með að prófa og ekki sleppa kreminu, það vinnur mjög vel á móti kökunni :)

Mix together banana and dates until smooth

Mix together the banana date mash with eggs, cinnamon, baking powder, nutmeg and oil

Then add chopped walnuts and coconut flakes, as well as grated carrots 

Bake at 180°C/350°F for 30mins. 

While the cupcakes are baking, mix together the cream :) just whip together greek yogurt, agave syrup (or any other sweetener), coconut milk, lemon zest and juice. Refrigerate while the cupcakes are cooling

The recipe made 14 cupcakes

Shirt: Vero Moda    Leggings: Black milk clothing

- Amanda <3 

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Thursday 20 February 2014

Cherry blossom

It was actually not as cold as today, as when I took these photos. The sun had been shining for the past days and I felt really inspired to do a summery look with my black milk cherry blossom leggings. These are my first piece of black milk and one of my favorite. They are so cute, girly and versatile. You can totally rock them in a bad ass outfit, or work it like a princess if you feel like it.

Dress: Zara   Shoes: Manía   Leggings: Black milk clothing

Just look at these beauties!

I hope spring comes soon :)

- Amanda <3 

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Monday 17 February 2014

Oatmeal breakfast muffins

I used to hate eating oatmeal. When I was a kid it was impossible to get me to eat it, but with time I've learned to make it more Amanda approved. Nonetheless, I wouldn't say it's my go to breakfast. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for the mushy oatmeal. My solution? Baked oatmeal!

What you need:

- 1 ripe banana
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups (4,5 dl) unsweetened applesauce (til frá Sollu)
- 5 cups (9 dl) rolled oats
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- 3 tsp baking powder (ég notaði vínsteinslyftiduft)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup (1 dl) almond milk
- toppings of choice

Mash a ripe banana and mix with eggs and applesauce. Add oats, cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Lastly add milk :) If you think the consistency is too thick, add a little more milk. Use any toppings you like, I used chopped almonds. Bake at 180°C/350°F for 30min. Makes around 18 breakfast muffins. 


Ég þoldi ekki hafragraut, og reyndist það mjög erfitt að koma honum ofan í mig, foreldrum mínum til mikillar mæðu ;) Það var gefist fljótt upp á því en með tímanum lærði ég þó að aðlaga hann smekk mínum. Samt sem áður er ég ekki alltaf í stuði fyrir blauta hafra í morgunmat, þannig mín leið var að baka hafragrautinn í staðin! Þið megið minnka uppskriftina ef þið viljið ekki gera svona mikið en mér finnst mjög þægilegt að geyma hafra múffurnar í litlum pokum í frystinum og eiga svo 2-3 stk í ísskápnum til að grípa í :)

Carrots, hummus, oatmeal muffin, cottage cheese with strawberries and grapes. 

Thursday 13 February 2014


The sun is finally starting to shine (a little), and along comes the inspiration for a more colorful dress code. The first time you see the sun after long and cold winter months, feels like magic, hope and awesome crammed into one. Absolutely amazing. It's cold though, so it still matters to dress well. Who say's the outfit has to be all dark?

- Amanda <3

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Tuesday 11 February 2014

Teriyaki tofu stir fry

I remember the first time I cooked tofu. I had absolutely no idea what to do with it, and it ended up tasting awful. I backed away from tofu for some time after that, but I've learned my lesson since then.
That's why I wanted to share with you this simple and easy way to cook delicious tofu, whether you are in the same steps I used to be, or want to get new ideas.

What you need for this recipe is:

- tofu
- teriyaki sauce (i used stonewall kitchen sesame teriyaki)
- veggies (whatever you have in the fridge)
- lemon pepper and ground ginger is optional
- lemon juice

Started with drying the tofu on a clean cloth and squeezing the fluid out. I sliced it in 4 thick slices 

I placed two slices of tofu in each zip lock bag and added 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce, plus some ground ginger and lemon pepper for extra seasoning. I tossed the tofu around in the bag a bit and let it marinade in the fridge for an hour (timing is optional, but it's better to let the marinade settle in). 

While the tofu was marinading, I prepared the veggies. This time I had carrots, red bell pepper and broccoli, plus baby corn (not in the picture)

Tofu is ready! Cut it up in mouth-sized cubes :)

Add everything to a big pan (I have a wok pan) and drain the rest of the sauce out of the bags in the pan. Here I added around a tablespoon of pure lemon juice 

I brought some of it with me to school that day along with tomatoes, strawberries, banana and cashew butter..yum :)

- Amanda <3 

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Saturday 8 February 2014

Pesto chick peas

I try to keep my salads versatile but sometimes I get stuck in a rut. I was starting to feel like my salads were tasting a little bland, so I decided to jazz it up with red pesto :) This week has been crazy. Started coaching pole fitness again, working on my masters thesis, went to Grundarfjörður (Icelandic small town) to do a pole fitness seminar and had a 12 hour work shift yesterday. Plenty going on :)


Ég er mikið fyrir að gera salöt í hádegismatinn og reyni að hafa þau fjölbreytileg. Stundum festist ég þó í rútínu með þau og var orðin svolítið leið á því. Því ákvað ég að breyta aðeins til og nýta rautt pestó í það :) Það hefur verið frekar mikið að gera þessa vikuna, byrjaði að kenna pole fitness aftur, er að vinna í mastersverkefni, fór til Grundafjarðar að halda stutt Pole fitness námskeið og var á 12 klst vakt í gær. Nóg að gerast :)

Started with heating up broccoli and chick peas on a pan 

I love adding quinoa to my salads. 

Mixed it with pesto made of sun dried tomatoes

Used this as a topping on my salad. Very yummy and easy :)

I have been eating a lot out of a lunch box this week so there are quite a few lunch box pictures that will be published in the next few posts. 

Twice a week I have a Brazilian jiu jitsu class at 17.30-19 o'clock, then go straight to teach pole fitness until 22-23 o'clock, so it's vital to bring something to snack on. Here I had cottage cheese, apple sauce (yes, this actually tastes really good!), grapes and carrots :)

Enjoy your weekend <3 

- Amanda 

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Tuesday 4 February 2014

Mechanical mermaid

Hæhæ fallega fólk :) Ég kem til með að sýna ykkur allar black milk flíkur mínar með tímanum, svo og önnur venjuleg outfit blogg. Allar flíkurnar þeirra bera ákveðin nöfn, sem eru mjög lýsandi og skemmtileg. Þessar heita mechanical mermaid. Flestir í kringum mig vita að ég er mjög hrifin af beinagrindum <3 


Hello beauties :) I am going to show you all my black milk pieces with time, along with other outfit blogs. Each piece has a special name, that is usually very descriptive and fun. These are called mechanical mermaid. Most people that spend a certain amount of time around me, will notice that I love skull prints <3 

the dress is from forever 21 :)

Also paired the outfit with boots since its still too cold to wear heels without socks

A little (tea)party never killed nobody


Yesterday was a busy one, went for an hour of bjj, then went straight to the studio and taught pole fitness for 3 hours. This is what I brought with me to snack on through the evening: greek yogurt, strawberries, granola and carrots. It kept me energized and was the perfect proportion, afterwards I felt a little hungry but not starving. It gave me time to get home in piece and make myself a smoothie :)

Made a pink post-workout smoothie tonight  <3 

- Amanda

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