Saturday 8 February 2014

Pesto chick peas

I try to keep my salads versatile but sometimes I get stuck in a rut. I was starting to feel like my salads were tasting a little bland, so I decided to jazz it up with red pesto :) This week has been crazy. Started coaching pole fitness again, working on my masters thesis, went to Grundarfjörður (Icelandic small town) to do a pole fitness seminar and had a 12 hour work shift yesterday. Plenty going on :)


Ég er mikið fyrir að gera salöt í hádegismatinn og reyni að hafa þau fjölbreytileg. Stundum festist ég þó í rútínu með þau og var orðin svolítið leið á því. Því ákvað ég að breyta aðeins til og nýta rautt pestó í það :) Það hefur verið frekar mikið að gera þessa vikuna, byrjaði að kenna pole fitness aftur, er að vinna í mastersverkefni, fór til Grundafjarðar að halda stutt Pole fitness námskeið og var á 12 klst vakt í gær. Nóg að gerast :)

Started with heating up broccoli and chick peas on a pan 

I love adding quinoa to my salads. 

Mixed it with pesto made of sun dried tomatoes

Used this as a topping on my salad. Very yummy and easy :)

I have been eating a lot out of a lunch box this week so there are quite a few lunch box pictures that will be published in the next few posts. 

Twice a week I have a Brazilian jiu jitsu class at 17.30-19 o'clock, then go straight to teach pole fitness until 22-23 o'clock, so it's vital to bring something to snack on. Here I had cottage cheese, apple sauce (yes, this actually tastes really good!), grapes and carrots :)

Enjoy your weekend <3 

- Amanda 

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1 comment:

  1. That looks so yummy and nutritious! I'm glad you gave us the recipe to re-create it :) also I have nominated you for the 'Liebster Award', good luck!
