Friday 7 March 2014

Little things

I'm an university student that lives alone, so the home decor has to be on a budget. I want to show you a few glimpses of my apartment and some little details that make it feel more cozy :)


Eins og margir vita er ekki alltaf mikið milli handanna hjá háskólanemum, hvað þá ef þeir búa einir. Mig langaði að sýna ykkur lítil brot af heimilinu mínu og nokkur atriði sem mér finnst lífga upp á íbúðina :)

Pretty vases for my make-up brushes / keypti þessa sætu vasa í söstrene grene :)

Pretty little candles from Ikea

My favorite furniture :)

Pretty watches in a display box 

Jewelry trees are useful to keep things organized :)

My little fridge piggies (I have a thing for pink and pigs!)

You might have seen glimpses of my kitchen piggies! They sure lighten my mood while cooking :)

The one thing most university student can't live without..a coffee maker! 

Dr. Organic are my favorite products. They are organic (duh), don't test on animals and only include natural ingredients. I have sensitive skin that doesn't handle perfume in creams well (hello rashes and outbreaks), and these feel really gentle on my skin. I also have very dry skin that the cold weather here in Iceland doesn't help with. That's why I use Vitamin E facial cream and body butter :) It's the best moisturizer for dry skin, you can say bye to itching skin and dry spots, yay! :)  / Þessi krem fást í ýmsum heilsuvörubúðum eins og Lifandi markaði, en mesta úrvalið fæst þó í Holland & Barret í Smáralindinni. Dr. Organic framleiðir línur sem henta ýmsum aldurs- og húðgerðum svo ég mæli með að skoða og fá jafnvel aðstoð við val :)

Everybody have a nice weekend :*

- Amanda <3 

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