Tuesday 18 March 2014

Luxurious cauliflower crust pizza!

I often crave carb loaded foods, rather than sweetness. I also love pizza, absolutely one of my favorite cheat meals and carb craves, when done right. But even though I have cheat days, I like to make conscious decisions. Do I really want normal pizza with that gluten rich crust that's just lathering in oil? Topped with pizza sauce that's high in sugar and unnecessary ingredients? 
I decided it was time to bake my own pizza and make better choices with it :) I know cauliflower crust can sound complicated but with these simple steps, you'll be enjoying flavorful, gluten free and lovely pizza without the extra fuzz. 

You need: 
- 1 cauliflower head
- 1/2 cup (1dl) grated mozarella cheese
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp dried Basil
- 1/2 tsp oregano
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder 
- 1 egg
- Pizza sauce, I simply used pure pureed tomatoes 
- Toppings of choice (I used spinach, black olives, red bell pepper and extra cheese)


Hæ elskurnar :) Það er búið að vera rosalega mikið að gera í skólanum en hér kemur ný færsla með dýrindis pizzu úr blómkálsbotni. Ég er mjög hrifin af pizzu og öðru fæði sem inniheldur hátt hlutfall kolvetna og vel það yfirleitt framyfir sætindi á betri dögunum. Um dagin langaði mig einmitt rosalega í pizzu en fór aðeins að spá í innihaldinu. Pizzakassinn eftir tilbúnar pizzur er alltaf löðrandi í olíu, svo og skorpan og botninn sjálfur, auk þess sem pizzasósan inniheldur heldur mikinn sykur og önnur óþarfa innihaldsefni. 

Mig langaði að baka mína eigin en helst sleppa hveitinu. Ég hef áður tilraunast með kúrbíts pizzu sem mér fannst ekki haldast alveg nógu vel, né líkjast pizzadeigi. Þetta er hinsvegar alveg málið! Pizzan varð yndisleg, botninn var stökkur en mjúkur, svona eins og pizzur eiga að vera. Ég mótaði botninn soldið þykkan, til að líkja eftir pönnu pizzum, en ykkur er velkomið að hafa þær þunnbotna :) Fylgið þessum einföldu skrefum að þessari yndis böku :)


Preheat the oven to 200°C/390°F. Cut the florets of a small head of cauliflower. 

Pulse the cauliflower in a food processor to make cauliflower "rice" 

Heat in the microwave for 4 minutes in a microwave safe bowl

Add the cauliflower rice to a clean cloth/towel and let it cool for a few minutes. Then squeeze the cauliflower in the towel to get out as much excessive liquid as possible. This is the most important step as wet cauliflower won't stick well together

Add the cheese, spice and egg and mix well 

Spread a little oil on a baking sheet and form your pizza on it. Bake the crust for about 10 minutes or until the crust is golden

The crust is ready! :)

I used pure pureed tomatoes (hægt að fá m.a. frá Sollu eða mauka sjálf) instead of pizza sauce, and added my toppings of choice. Don't worry about the sauce getting bland, the crust adds enough flavor :) Bake for another 5-7 minutes

Let it cool for a few minutes before cutting it :)

I was so so so excited. It held perfectly together and it smelled and tasted so good. The texture was just like any pizza I would normally have and the taste was even better.

Highly recommend trying out this deliciousness :)

- Amanda <3 

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