Thursday 27 March 2014

Red lentil and butternut squash soup

Mm yet another warm and cozy soup. I've already posted a recipe for a carrot- and sweet potato soup
The butternut squash has some similar properties to a sweet potato, it's so sweet, filling and full of aroma when cooked. Lovely :)

Now, if you have a small food processor, you will need to do this in two batches. I had to do that and yes, it got soo messy. But it's absolutely worth it :) The soup is completely vegan if you skip the greek yogurt on top

you need:

- One butternut squash
- 500g red lentils
- one big red onion
- one red bell pepper
- vegetable broth and seasoning (nota frá himnesk)
- Avocado and greek yogurt for garnish and extra creaminess (optional)


Virkilega ljúf og góð súpa :) Ég elska að hafa þær aðeins þykkar þannig ég mauka hráefnin ekki um of. Ég nota gríska jógúrt gjarnan í staðin fyrir sýrðan rjóma en henni er hægt að sleppa og er þá súpan alveg vegan. Avókadóið er yndislegt með súpunni og gefur extra mýkt :)

Cut up the squash in half and bake in an oven at 180°C/350°F for 30-40min or until soft (stab with a fork). 

Boil the red lentils for 15-20minutes

Scoop out the squash from the shell when it's baked

While the squash and beans are getting ready, heat up red bell pepper and red onion on a pan in coconut oil. Once everything is ready, add to a food processor with a tablespoon of vegetable broth and extra seasoning if you like (I used black pepper and ginger). Process until smooth :) add water as needed (I used about 2 cups but I like it thick). Add everything to a big pot and bring to boil. Let it zimmer for 10 minutes. 

Soup is ready! I was about to leave for work so I just added it to a tupperware to go :) Add slices of avocado for extra creaminess. Greek yogurt is optional instead of sour cream. This tasted so good and filling. The soup was even better the next day, yum! 

Feel free to follow me on my instagram or facebook page :)

- Amanda <3 

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