Sunday 30 March 2014

Stuffed bell peppers with shrimp and mango salsa

This dish is so easy to make, with minimum cooking. The flavor palette is beautiful, sweet, savory with a spicy kick. It's everything I look for in the perfect, refreshing spring dish. I love playing with colors and this time I really enjoyed the ensemble. I made plenty of salsa, that would have been enough to fill 6 big bell peppers, but I decided to have some of it to the side.

- 4 big bell peppers (you can stuff up to 6 peppers with this recipe though)
- 500g small shrimp
- 2 fresh mangoes
- 1 red bell pepper
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 fresh chilli peppers
- handful of cheese (optional)
- handful of fresh parsley (steinselja)
- 5ml pure lemon juice
- black pepper

Virkilega skemmtilegur og góður réttur sem ég hugsa að væri gaman að bera fram í matarboði, sérstaklega í sumar! Hann er léttur og ferskur með smá chilli pipar sem mér fannst alls ekki yfirgnæfa ferska bragðið. Það var virkilega gaman að setja saman þennan rétt því margir fallegir litir og fersk hráefni komu til sögu, auk þess sem það er fljótlegt að bera hann fram :) Þetta mangó- og rækju salsa má einnig bera fram sem meðlæti, í tacos/vefjur, eða útbúa úr þessu dýrindis salat.

Start with cutting up all the fresh ingredients 

Clean out the insides of the bell peppers. Make sure you choose sturdy ones that can stand 

Lightly heat up shrimp on a pan, then blend with the fresh ingredients along with a tsp of black pepper and lemon juice

Stuff the peppers :) 

I added a little bit of cheese on top, this is optional. The peppers are baked in an oven at 180°C/350°F for about 20-30min 

Tasted great with quinoa and fresh water :)

- Amanda <3 

1 comment:

  1. Great recipe.

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Loving your blog. Check out your nomination and how it works over on mine.

    Lisa xo |
